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Punishing Miss Primrose, Part I

Written by:
Em Brown
Narrated by:
Em Brown

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
October 28, 2017
0 hours 50 minutes
The Marquess of Carey intends to provide Miss Primrose a set-down she will never forget after what she did to his brother at the Inn of the Red Chrysanthemum, where members indulge in extreme carnal pleasures. He entices the wicked harlot to spend a sennight at his estate. But when Miss Primrose enflames his passions, will she prove too hot for him to handle?
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The book started and then just ended. Nothing even happened. There was no punishing and no need to punish Miss Primrose at any point.

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Unreadable. The author opened a thesaurus and forgot to write dialog that you can follow. Narrator is fine.

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The story is nicely written and the storytelling skillful. The narrator’s voice is well suited for the subject matter and pleasing to the ear.i I found this stimulating and enjoyable.

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Carla B.

Left me wanting more. very good

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I find the story line good but the book end before it started

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just rubbish.

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A. Longa

No a great read.

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not a book I felt moved to finish.

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Don’t like

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Immensely detailed and spoken as spoken with the characters in mind.

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Book didn’t really go anywhere...and then just stopped.

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Pure rubbish

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I like it. I wished it was longer but its quite alright.

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I don't like it at all

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it was ok and to short

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i liked it

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Has me on the edge of my seat.

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Amanda N.

Nice little starter to entice you into the series but not enough to put the sequel at the top of my next to buy list. Narration was good.

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Not impressive

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Kayla P.

Nice little teaser. I picked this up intending on determining whether I'd want to continue the series. I guess I will be since I enjoyed it. 4 stars

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To short!!

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Short but sweet

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Avis M.

enjoyed it. where the remainder if the book?

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Jessica V.

great narrator, smooth transitions. book is off to a good start, moves at a good pace

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waiting for the punch line............... waiting for the punch line................ And she is never punished did not happened

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Too short,ending blunt

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Tamia J.

very hot, slightly confusing at the beginning but if you can get past that then you’ll be steaming for the rest

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Enjoyed the story.

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Christina A.

it was good but to short

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Victor C.

decent short story that had a beginning and an end with little fanfare.

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William J.

I found myself enjoying listening to an audio book. The narrator was very good.

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Sharon P.

Oh what a tease. The author knows right where to cut the book off leaving you thirsting for more. Narrator did a good job also

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Melissa M.

Short but I liked it

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A tantalizing start to this series. Spencer knows what Beatrice does but doesn't seem to grasp how his brother and cousin fell "victim". It's almost comedic if it weren't for his angry disposition. While her mistress persona doesn't come out to play, there is a hot scene to enjoy. The narrator has a very soothing voice, almost too soothing.

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If this is all you get when you purchase part 1- it’s way too short to get a story line going.

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Too short & there is no point to the story.

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Enjoyed premise of story but Too short. Left hanging. Sequel?

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Loren A.

Interested in finding out what next. Do not know if I will follow up with the cash.

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Love it

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Kristy C.

It lost me and couldn't keep my attention..

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