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The Quantum Psychiatrist: From Zero to Zen Using Evidence-Based Solutions Beyond Medication and Therapy
Written by:
Dona Biswas
Narrated by:
Kristine Briggs
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Release Date
August 16, 2020
5 hours 22 minutes
‘’We have come a full circle- despite massive improvements in living standards, life expectancy and giant leaps in technology, humankind is still plagued by unhappiness, sorrow and mental illness. Healing is not so much finding our ideal biological state, although this is undoubtedly important, but finding purpose and meaning in our existence. A quantum psychiatrist helps find people find meaning while optimising their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state.’’
In The Quantum Psychiatrist, Dona Biswas explores a new paradigm in Psychiatry based on the principles of Quantum Physics and explains a variety of cutting-edge solutions to achieve peak mental health. The book systematically explains simple and lesser-known solutions and reviews the science and evidence behind them. You will understand:
· Why the current paradigm of mental health is inadequate in dealing with mental illness.
· How research in quantum physics is influencing and validating lesser-known mental health treatments.
· How wearable technology and brain-computer interface are providing solutions to vexing mental health problems.
· How knowledge of the body’s energy field is being used for innovative solutions to problems like depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder among others.
In The Quantum Psychiatrist, Dr. Biswas shows that it is possible to achieve peak mental health, even for those with chronic and complex problems. Using personal stories, Dr. Biswas shares her passion for healing and shows that change is possible for people suffering from mental health issues.
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The Quantum Psychiatrist: From Ze...
Dona Biswas
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