Unabridged Audiobook
Did not finish. Stopped at about 25% of the way through. The misogyny in this book was horrible. At the beginning the Hero and his brother were counting all their illegitimate children. The mothers of the brother’s 7 kids were all from the lower classes. So guess who had all the power? At least they both took care of their kids and their moms. Also the Hero was so mean to the Heroine for a situation that was his cousins and her fathers fault. She had very little power and she took all the abuse. She was his emotional dumping ground. When he insulted her the cousin and his brother just sat there and said nothing. Her sister also just sat there. If anyone said mean things to my sister like that I would have thrown wine in his face. The final straw was the family owned a sugar plantation. All slavery was cruel but sugarcane production was even worse. It was back breaking labor. The next book is even on a sugar plantation. I just couldn’t continue.
I love this series !!!