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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Translated by William Allan Neilson

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Translated by William Allan Neilson

Narrated by:
Adriel Brandt
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
May 30, 2021
2 hours 9 minutes
The incomparable romance and adventure of this classic Arthurian adventure is brought to vivid life in this audio release of a rare, accurate translation.

William Allan Neilson's translation of the Middle English epic poem loses none of the magic and morality of the original in its beautiful prose, keeping the poet's expressive alliteration alongside its rich imagery and clear action. Wonder with King Arthur's court at the mysterious green guest, wince at the splattering blood, and lose yourself in the Wide Country as Sir Gawain accepts and seeks to fulfill a fatal agreement with a seemingly immortal knight.

Featuring a subtle, mystical incidental score by Robin Goodfellow |
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