Stay Tuned: Conversations with Dad from the Other Side

Written by:
Jenniffer Weigel
Narrated by:
Jenniffer Weigel

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
January 2017
4 hours 48 minutes
When a local psychic reduces Chicago’s popular, down-to-earth sportscaster Tim Weigel to tears, his daughter Jenniffer questions her own spiritual beliefs. Stay Tuned is Jenniffer’s story of a father and daughter’s journey from materialistic journalists to spiritually attuned spiritual beings—a journey that continues even after his death.

During his illness, while Tim turns to alternative treatments like chi gong and reiki sessions, Jenniffer reads Neale Donald Walsch, starts a spiritual diet plan, and uses the law of attraction to find free parking spaces. The book takes you on a witty, irreverent trip through popular spiritual beliefs and insights of masters and celebrities, including Don Miguel Ruiz, James Van Praagh, and Russell Crowe, as this intelligent, award-winning broadcaster transforms from “cynical daughter” to “spiritual woman.”
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Tracy C.

I've listened to several of Jenniffer's audio books and have been enlightened, energized, and entertained by all of them. I started down my own path of spiritual awareness and growth only recently. It took me 48 years to reach this point and the journey has been interesting so far. What makes it easier for me are people like Jenniffer who have that special way of conveying honesty, sincerity, and veritas in a self-deprecating way. Thank you Jenniffer and stay spiritual, dammit! Tracy C. in NH.

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