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Strange Eden
#96 of Lost Sci-Fi
Written by:
Philip K. Dick
Narrated by:
Scott Miller
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Release Date
October 4, 2022
0 hours 36 minutes
Strange Eden by Philip K. Dick - Johnson wanted to leave the verdant world but Brent was bound he'd have a look around. He did, and he found reason to stay — unluckily...
Captain Johnson was the first man out of the ship. He scanned the planet's great rolling forests, its miles of green that made your eyes ache. The sky overhead that was pure blue. Off beyond the trees lapped the edges of an ocean, about the same color as the sky, except for a bubbling surface of incredibly bright seaweed that darkened the blue almost to purple.
He had only four feet to go from the control board to the automatic hatch, and from there down the ramp to the soft black soil dug up by the jet blast and strewn everywhere, still steaming. He shaded his eyes against the golden sun, and then, after a moment, removed his glasses and polished them on his sleeve. He was a small man, thin and sallow-faced. He blinked nervously without his glasses and quickly fitted them back in place. He took a deep breath of the warm air, held it in his lungs, let it roll through his system, then reluctantly let it escape.
'Not bad,' Brent rumbled, from the open hatch.
'If this place were closer to Terra there'd be empty beer cans and plastic plates strewn around. The trees would be gone. There'd be old jet motors in the water. The beaches would stink to high heaven. Terran Development would have a couple of million little plastic houses set up everywhere.'
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Strange Eden...
Philip K. Dick
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