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Survival Guide: Filter and Find Water, Survive, and Prepare
Written by:
Jordan Gunner
Narrated by:
J.A. Lydon
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Release Date
September 2020
1 hour 50 minutes
The following topics are included in this 2-book combo:
Book 1: This book covers a range of topics that don’t seem to be related at first, but if you look closer, you’ll see the bigger picture. All of these topics are more or less connected to the idea of fending for yourself, being able to survive off the grid, or in case of a major disaster.
The first chapter focuses on something specific: Survival in the jungle. As we all know, the jungle is beautiful but also infested with bacteria, bugs, venomous and predatorial animals, and full of both toxic and edible plants. Learning what to do there can make all the difference if you were ever to make it through in such a climate.
After this, the book highlights what to do in case of a hurricane or an earthquake, two disasters that could very well happen in many people’s areas.
Third, we will talk about food preservation, since this is one of the most important and basic survival skills everyone should have.
Book 2: In this short but informative book, we will focus on three essentials of survival skills:
First, we’ll talk about the best ways to purify water. This, alone, is something all people need to know. Water can make you sick or heal you and keep you alive. Knowing what you’re doing, is what will help you most.
Second, the book focuses on First Aid skills. If you ever get wounded, exhausted, dehydrated, or you encounter something like a sprained ankle or major bruise, what do you do? You rely on your knowledge and fix it! Learn how in this book!
Third, an emphasis is placed on finding water in the desert. Many misconceptions about this have been circling around on the internet. It is our mission to help you learn the truth: What works and what doesn’t.
Seek knowledge and you will survive!
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Survival Guide: Filter and Find W...
Jordan Gunner
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