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Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard

Written by:
Dan Heath , Chip Heath
Narrated by:
Charles Kahlenberg

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
February 16, 2010
7 hours 44 minutes
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD! The ultimate guide to making changes and following through, from the authors of Made to Stick and Decisive—hailed as “witty and instructive” (The Wall Street Journal), “packed with examples and hands-on tools that will get you moving right away” (BusinessWeek)

Why is it so hard to make lasting changes in our companies, in our communities, and in our own lives?

The primary obstacle is a conflict that's built into our brains, say Chip and Dan Heath. Psychologists have discovered that our minds are ruled by two different systems—the rational mind and the emotional mind—that compete for control. The rational mind wants a great beach body; the emotional mind wants that Oreo cookie. The rational mind wants to change something at work; the emotional mind loves the comfort of the existing routine. This tension can doom a change effort—but if it is overcome, change can come quickly.

In Switch, the Heaths show how everyday people—employees and managers, parents and nurses—have united both minds and, as a result, achieved dramatic results:

• the lowly medical interns who managed to defeat an entrenched, decades-old medical practice that was endangering patients
• the home-organizing guru who developed a simple technique for overcoming the dread of housekeeping 
• the manager who transformed a lackadaisical customer-support team into service zealots by removing a standard tool of customer service 

In a compelling, story-driven narrative, the Heaths bring together decades of counterintuitive research in psychology, sociology, and other fields to shed new light on how we can effect transformative change. Switch shows that successful changes follow a pattern, a pattern you can use to make the changes that matter to you.
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This is an easy to listen to audiobook full of insight into making changes. While most of the examples come from organizations and businesses, the methods and approaches to change could easily be applied to personal life as well. I'm a Christian homeschooling mom of 3, far removed from international corporations and large organizations, but the methods of creating change outlined by the authors are compelling and create hope that change is possible.

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Rather than taking the classic psycho-therapy route of digging into individual/societal issues rooted in childhood/history (a long and often arduous archeology & excavation process), this book presents quick-solution therapy. The authors present the concept of "Bright Spot" (flashes of success amidst the dismall/daunting situation) where they encourage the reader to try to figure out the small changes that are working within the BrightSpot. Such a great book. A must read for not only individuals, but those wanting change in larger corporate/sociatal situations as well.

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Edgar H.

The narrator is not engaging.

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Michal S.

Great book for those interested in change Management!

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Henry B.

Ready good information.

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Contents are great. A number of examples I had seen on YouTube told by Dan Heath himself. And there we have the issue I had. Dan's way of presenting is inviting and makes you want to listen and hear more. I thought narration made it hard to stay awake

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Chrisy Trudeau

Great book. Very useful. One to rederence and read again.

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