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Written by:
Sherre Hirsch
Narrated by:
Sherre Hirsch

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
December 22, 2015
4 hours 48 minutes
We will all face many transitions in our lives. Some will be happy and exciting-whether it's a new job, a move to a different city, a marriage, or the birth of a child. Others-the death of a parent, an empty nest, a divorce-will be deeply painful. In both cases, crossing the threshold between a 'room' in our life that feels comfortable and familiar and one that feels uncertain and unpredictable can be scary. Hirsch believes that the decisions we make at these transitional moments define who we are and the life we create for ourselves. In Thresholds, Hirsch aims to teach people a new approach to living—one that is free of fear and regret, and leaves no door to happiness unopened.
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