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Time Stood Still: A Survivor's Perspective

Time Stood Still: A Survivor's Perspective

Written by:
Chad Taylor
Narrated by:
Chad Taylor
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
October 18, 2024
7 hours 45 minutes
'I thought I was an exception...I was not. Statistically, you are not an exception either. But there's hope!'

Every day millions of people struggle after being blindsided by losing a loved one unexpectedly; especially a loved one that died by their own hand. In this eye-opening book, you'll read how Chad Taylor and his two little children were suddenly thrust into this growing number of afflicted people. But their story doesn't end there, and yours doesn't have to either!

Time Stood Still is a book for those who want a better understanding of one of the leading causes of death, how to purposefully go through grief and experience amazing healing, and how to live a fulfilling life, even after tragedy. You're worth it!

'I am inviting you to journey along with me as I share what I've learned about a very misunderstood subject and what got me through incredible loss and tragedy. I absolutely believe the words in this book can save and restore lives by bringing the most precious gift of HOPE.' -Chad Taylor

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