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The Unfakeable Code®: Take Back Control, Lead Authentically and Live Freely on Your Terms
Written by:
Tony Jeton Selimi
Narrated by:
John Sackville
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Release Date
April 1, 2021
7 hours 6 minutes
So magnificent, yet so out of control – Your true essence is hidden behind 'masks' created by transient personas that have hijacked your authentic, genuine, and unfakeable being. You are encouraged and taught to see reality as you are, but the problem with this is that you create a distorted view of actuality.
Step forward a fresh new way to dissolving mental, emotional and physical blockages, and becoming unafraid to dive deeper into life's true nature and use it as a platform to unveil the true depths of our unfakeable being, its knowledge and infinite potential in order to achieve even our most ambitious goals in life and become the best, truest version of ourselves.
'The Unfakeable Code® is much more than a simple self-help guide. Within the Book, Selimi explains how perception is merely the tip of the iceberg in how we experience life and its nature. The author, Tony J. Selimi guides readers through a five-step method (many of the principles which Tony has used himself and with others) in order to dissolve the detrimental beliefs, energies, skewed perceptions and habits gathered through our experiences and gained passive knowledge, while simultaneously bestowing the knowledge of life's true secrets and 'how they operate [both] within us and [within] our environment' - a process that regularly occurs for each and every one of us, but mostly goes unseen due to the distraction, obstructions and noise in our lives.
In this way, 'The Unfakeable Code®' is an exploration of the intricate network that ties our authentic self together within our environments, and how recognizing the delicate connections between these aspects can help anyone - no matter their past experiences - to grow and flourish in every key area of life.
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The Unfakeable Code®: Take Back ...
Tony Jeton Selimi
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