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What Are You Waiting For?: It's Your Life
Written by:
Jim Donovan
Narrated by:
Rich Germaine
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Release Date
October 15, 2013
2 hours 54 minutes
Jim Donovan has put together a magnificent 'success manual' that is down to earth, fun to read, and right on target. Read and apply Jim's proven success principles and you will achieve extraordinary results in your life!' Jeff Keller, Author, Attitude is Everything
Perhaps you are struggling to keep your head above water or, like most people, you're somewhere in between. Wherever you are right now, this book will help you devise a plan for your lifelong success. You can turn your life around beginning today. I know how you feel. I've seen hardship. I also know that you can change your circumstances. I have done it and I have watched as hundreds of thousands of others have done it too.'
'The information in this book is not theory. These are not just a lot of nice ideas. They are proven strategies that work. These ideas have stood the test of time. The principles have been passed down through the ages. I have used these simple ideas to make major changes in my own life. I know they work and I know that if they worked for me, they'll work for you. Is this book a cure for the ills of the world? Of course not but it is a simple to use guide that can help you turn your life around. It can help a friend or loved one gain the confidence they need to change their life.'
'I know this deep in my heart. I know the ideas in What Are You Waiting For?, It's Your Life work. I've used them in my own life to go from living, as Thoreau so aptly put it, 'a life of quiet desperation,' to living a life today that is beyond my wildest dreams. Sometimes, all a person needs is a glimmer of hope. Sometimes, they need to know someone understands their frustration what they're going through. Sometimes, a simple little book comes along and offers that hope and encouragement.' Jim Donovan, Author, Speaker, Life Coach
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What Are You Waiting For?: It's Y...
Jim Donovan
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