Unabridged Audiobook
With a great variety of tales, Sedaris occasionally bored and frequently made me laugh so hard I couldn't even drive and had to pull over on the shoulder. Really this isn't a 4 star book, it's stories--some are 2's, some 3's, mostly 4's and a few fives.
David Sedaris' willingness to admit his failings and present them in such a humorous way was delightful. I saw so much of myself in him, it helped me laugh at me.
My 4th favorite book! Love him to pieces!
Not a genre that I would normally choose. Well told, funny, honest and overall I enjoyed it. Something different.
It is difficult to know what this author is trying to acheive. I didn't find any humour or point in it. Couldn't even finish the 1st disc before I sent it back. Not worth bothering with.
I enjoyed this book just as much as I have enjoyed all of the rest of Sedaris' books. Can't wait for the next one.