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The Woo Rib of a Man: Every woman came from a woo rib and every man has his own woo rib

The Woo Rib of a Man: Every woman came from a woo rib and every man has his own woo rib

Written by:
Jacob C. Stephen
Narrated by:
Jacob C Stephen
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
October 31, 2023
4 hours 39 minutes
Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. Genesis 2:22.

The creation of man and woman as husband and wife has been a great mystery since the foundation of the world, which the world has not yet recovered from. In this book, that mystery will be thoroughly revealed to you. Do you really know why a woman is called a woman? To many, she was taken from a man, and that is all you know.

*This book will make you understand why a woman is called a woman and a man the spiritual leader.

*In this book, you will understand if engaged people are really married.

*In this book, you will discover if God still give partners or if you will find for yourself.

*In this book, you will discover the little foxes that leads to wrong marriage.

*In this book, you will catch more light on intercourse and fasting.

In this book, you will also understand the principles of Godly marriage and directions, and how you can find your woo rib. This is a must read book, that will enlighten your understanding.
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