Tim Murphy, PhD, is a psychologist, retired member of Congress, and former Pennsylvania state senator. In Congress, he authored the landmark reform legislation Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act, garnering praise and support from the American Psychiatric Association, National Alliance on Mental Illness, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. The bill was signed into law in December of 2016. Murphy served on the staffs of several hospitals, as an Associate Professor of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and in his own private practice. As Navy psychologist, he specialized in the treatment of post traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury with wounded service members. With Loriann Oberlin, he is coauthor of The Angry Child. He lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with his wife, Nanette.
In Overcoming Passive-Aggression, Dr. Tim Murphy and Loriann Hoff Oberlin provide an in-depth look at a topic we've all faced but haven't always recognized: Hidden anger. When people don't express their views and feel compelled to conceal their true belie... SEE MORE