Raffi Yessayan is a defense attorney based in Boston. One of seven children of a welder and a seamstress who emigrated from Lebanon, Raffi grew up in Boston's Roslindale and West Roxbury, graduated cum laude from the University of Massachusetts in Boston and the New England School of Law, and became one of a few prosecutors in the gang unit at the Suffolk County District Attorney's office to successfully improve juvenile criminal investigations. He recently went into private practice, specializing in criminal law and immigration, but his nights and weekends are focused on visiting schools and community centers to present "Understanding Violence," a documentary he produced that profiles inner-city kids who joined a gang and lived to regret it.
In this swiftly paced, breathlessly suspenseful debut novel, the bizarre rampage of an elusive serial killer sends shockwaves through Boston, igniting a harrowing police manhunt and resounding at the highest levels of the criminal justice system. Drawing ... SEE MORE