ANI PACHEN lives in Dharamsala, India, where she devotes her time to her spiritual practices. She has chosen Dharamsala as her home in order to be near the Dalai Lama and his Tibetan Government in Exile. She continues to take part in demonstrations for a free Tibet, and speaks to people from aroundthe world who have conic to hear her story. She has become a heroine in the Tibetan community. ADELAIDE DONNELLEY lives in Berkeley, California, near her two sons. She has worked as a psychologist, photographer, and write and has recently completed work on Boundary Water, a memoir. She and An
When the Dalai Lama paid a visit to Emory University, he offered an introductory lecture to Tibetan Buddhism. The lecture is not exactly what you’d normally get in the university classroom. The talk is not entirely linear. And he spends some time speaki... SEE MORE