Andrew P. Napolitano serves as the Senior Judicial Analyst for Fox News Channel (FNC). He provides on-air legal analysis on both FNC and Fox Business Network (FBN) throughout the day on weekdays. He is the host of FreedomWatch on weekdays, and on FBN on weekends, and he is the regular fill-in host on The Glenn Beck Program. Judge Napolitano is the author of five books on the U.S. Constitution: Constitutional Chaos; The Constitution in Exile; A Nation of Sheep; Dred Scott’s Revenge; and Lies the Government Told You. Napolitano’s writings have also been published in the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and other publications. As a nationally recognized expert on the U.S. Constitution, he lectures frequently on the Constitution and human freedom.
What ever happened to our inalienable rights? The Constitution was once the bedrock of our country, an unpretentious parchment that boldly established the God-given rights and freedoms of America. Today that parchment has been shred to ribbons, explain... SEE MORE